We’re re happy when you’re happy. We hope you're going to be thrilled with your purchase but if for any reason you’re not satisfied with your order and wish to get a refund, we can refund you without a hitch.

If you’re not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return the product in its original unused condition within 60 days to get a full refund.

In order to request refund, you’ll have to contact us and request Return Authorization and then ship the item back to us. Once we receive your item and process the refund request, a full refund will be issued.

Return shipping fees are the customer's responsibility and we recommend shipping the return using a trackable shipping method as you are responsible for the goods until we receive them.

Please do not send your product back to us without a Return Authorization number. We ship thousands of products and we want to make sure returns are processed and handled with minimum errors.